Showcased Magazine


Showcased Needs You!

Showcased is run entirely by local people like you and is not unaccessible. Please, let us know what you think.

  • Readers- We depend on your input. Send us an e-mail to let us know what you think, what you'd like to read about and any criticism at all. We want to hear all your comments -good, bad, ugly and weird alike.
  • Musicians- We want to know about your band. If you'd like Showcased to print an article about you, let us know when you're playing or send us a link to your site or a demo-anything.
  • Artists- We'd like to see your work. If you'd like others to see your work, too, just let us know and a page or two will be yours.
  • Writers- Showcased needs you! Showcased needs reliable writers interested in covering local music, art reviews, basically anything you want. Or if you're a writer who would just like a story or poem published, we need you, too.
  • Photographers- We'd love to have you work with us! Showcased is always looking for people to photograph concerts and artwork. We also like to print pictures.
  • Businesspeople- Showcased needs you! We're looking for reliable businesspeople who would be interested in handling sales, advertisement and promotion, accounting, and the whole business end of the magazine. It looks great on a resume, and you must be willing to work for the casue, because the pay isn't much.
  • Desingers- We need you, too! Showcased is looking for people who'd like to handle website design and layout of the magazine. Again, it looks great on a resume and you must be willing to work for the cause, because the pay here isn't any better.
  • No experience necessary for any of these things. If you see something you'd like to help out in, have questions or comments, of would like to do something not mentioned here, send us an e-mail at